Friday, February 14, 2014

SE Asia - Vientiane, Laos - 2

Laos, Day 5, Vientiane, January 23, 2014
Vientiane, Laos

Today we toured Vientiane, the capital of Laos. I'm feeling better and had most of my voice back, but the cough lingers and is annoying. The weather is warmer and sunny and we were all beginning to thaw a bit. The first stop was at a temple complex, Wat Pra That Luang, which had many centuries-old buildings. Then we visited the Victory Gate, which was built between 1957 and 1968. It was dedicated to those who fought for Laotian independence from the French. With the picturesque gate in the background we had our group picture taken.

There were two more temple visits but the most interesting was probably Wat Si Sa Ket, which included a monastery. At the end one of the young monks came to visit with us and answer our questions. Their life is full of education, contemplation, and studying the life and teachings of Buddha. In other words, it seemed kind of boring and very spartan by our standards. He showed us how monks put on the robe they wear, which turned out to be much more complex than you would imagine.  

Lunch was with the group. Then some went to the rehabilitation center for those injured by bombs during the war or since the war. Thirty percent of all the bombs we dropped in the area did not explode and people are still being hurt and killed by them. On the walk back to the hotel Paul tripped on one of the many hazards along the street and fell. He came back very dirty and with a bunged up knee. We put ice on it and he was able to carry on. This is unusual since I am traditionally the klutzy one in our family.

After some rest we went out to dinner and topped it off with some Swenson's ice cream. We don't have them in Oregon but I was told to look for it here (thanks Jan). It was very delicious.

We went to bed earlier in hopes of a good night sleep.

The next day we flew to Ho Chi Minh City, otherwise known as Saigon, Vietnam.

That's it for now. Grace and Paul

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